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Rosegal Thanksgiving day


Thanksgiving Day with Rosegal.
Currently they have a promotion going on right now for their 
Don't forget to use their coupon code found in the banner.

I know with all the 
Christmas decorations etc, we can forget to shop for gifts for
our beloved family
members. But guess what?! 
You can do both! Shop for your Christmas decor and gifts all
in one place.

Thanksgiving is around the corner and we can't stop thinking
about Christmas gifts.
On Rosegal, there's a variety of clothing,
accessories that you can choose from.
They also carry home stuff which is adorable
during this time of the year.

Top to bottom:
I have been on the hunt for some knee high boots like the
picture above. 
It's call the Dual Buckle boots, which can be found HERE.
They can be paired with an all black outfit or light denim
jeans and a white top and finally to finish off the look add
a nice camel coat to match the boots.

I love a good sturdy crossbody. Like this , 
chain green crossbody bag, which
is perfect to carry during a Thanksgiving dinner with the 
family or dinner date. I love this holiday season because it's
the start
of a magical season like Christmas and all the seasons
during November and December. 

The second bag is a rivet jointed crossbody bag, a casual bag
for that special person who's style is super casual but doesn't
have time to change accessories if invited to a dinner date
after work. 

Next we have this lapel contrast trim blazer, perfect for that
going to work or for that working individual who knows that
he/she will go visit their family
member for the holidays. I love love this blazer, it can easily
be transformed from a dressy outfit to blazer and jeans. 

Looking for that perfect gift you can give a teenager?
How about this ribbon bowknot fuzzy slippers? These
are always a hit because you can't go wrong with sleepwear
or slippers.
These slippers are so beautiful, they have the bow knot
detail which is
adorable and the fuzzy makes is super comfy and
perfect to wear during
the cold winter months.

During Thanksgiving we love to indulge ourselves with
delicious food. After all, it's that 
start of the holiday season. While we make the
Thanksgiving dinner we can be listening
to Christmas music but why not while we are doing all of
that, we wear  Christmas deer print sweater.
The print is very pretty and the "Merry Christmas" print on
the back makes is very 
trendy and fun.

Last minute gift could be chocolates or a gift card,
but what about a nice Houndstooth bag. I love the style of
this bag, which is perfect, it's 
not too big or small. Perfect for that special person who is
adventurous and loves fashion.

ROSEGAL have prepared a coupon code for
your guys!
Extra 22% off,
Use code :RGN20 



Популарни постови са овог блога

Balea čudesni aparatić

    Nije tajna da i žene imaju malje na licu,neke manje neke više,ali dlačice su tu i mi ih ne volimo. Iako one nisu tu bez razloga i njihova funkcija je prevashodno zaštitna (štite kožu od spoljašnjih loših uticaja) nekada hormoni ne funkcionišu kako treba pa ove nežne,fine,skoro nevidljive dlačice počnu da budu primetnije. Kao izrazito svetla dugo sam odolevala,ali su pre par godina i moji hormoni rešili da naprave žurku i eto meni brčića pa i brade.Sa bradom sam izlazila nekako na kraj,ali brčići. Pinceta nije dolazila u obzir,tračice bi mi pokidale i malo kože,a opet ne sve dlačice,dep.kremi treba 3 sata da deluje,a onda mi se ospe koža... i sve tako dok se nije pojavio ovaj Balea čudesni aparatić. Odmah sam potrčala da ga kupim. :D  Kod mene je uvek iskreno (što se i vidi po postu) tako da nisam krila oduševljenje ni na instagramu kada sam aparatić kupila i tu su me zatekli,da ne kažem šokirali neki komentari.

Joom kupovine

Pre par meseci sam prvi put čula sam za Joom sajt/aplikaciju, dobila i preporuke pa se zanela kupovinom. Proizvodi su uglavnoj jeftiniji nego na drugim sajtovima,mada ima i preteranih cena. Nisam vam o tome još pisala jer nisam baš sasvim sigurna da bih vam preporučila. Dobra stvar je što su ljubazni pa možete dobiti povraćaj novca ukoliko niste zadovoljni kvalitetom proizvoda ( i to im slikate). Na kompjuteru možete pronaći sajt,ali na mob.telefonu vas prebacuje na aplikaciju,što možda i nije loša opcija jel imate svoj profil sa porudžbinama i možete sve da pratite (gde je paket,kada stiže...). Evo šta sam ja poručila: Sunđer za depilaciju

Kupovina na Wish sajtu - moje iskustvo

Kupovina na ovom sajtu (nije bila saradnja) je bila više istraživačkog karaktera kako bih vama prenela informacije. Hoćete li informacije odmah,ili malo kasnije? :D Ako do sada niste napravili profil na ovoj aplikaciji,slobodno je zaobiđite,ako jeste sačekajte da vam stigne porudžbina i brišite je. Vrlo su zavodljivi,umeju da namame ,a onda... Meni su nekako na brzinu pustili jednu porudžbinu dok sam još razmišljala (mislim da je tu kriv i ovaj tač ekran koji radi i kada mu se približi prst). Hajde to i nekako,ali duple cene?! Jedna da vas privuče,a druga (veća) kada plaćate,npr.