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Shape your body with Feelingirldress

 Hello everyone ,

it's time for a new post about Feelingirldress products.

For those who have been following me recently, Feelingirldrees  is a site where you will find corsets of different models, from those for the abdomen to those for the whole, but why just list them, take a look of this shapewear vendors .

Here you will find beautiful corsets of various models and sizes (yes there are plus sizes) in black and beige, and they all serve to shape your body and help your dresses fit better. 

 You must have heard of  custom waist trainer you may even have one.

My favorite model, at least for now.

The picture is on the side to see what the waist looks like with this model, it really is.

As someone who has tried, and still occasionally uses a corset I can tell you that it is not a joke, it really tightens.

My corset is made of neoprene, with steel wires (which make it difficult to sit) and it is not invisible under clothes, especially if thinner blouses are in question.

That is why autumn and winter are ideal times for bulky sweatshirts and sweaters.

This type of corset has become popular in recent years and serves as an addition to exercise, it helps you reduce the volume of the waist.

There are rows of buttons, depending on the circumference of your waist, you determine which one to use first and in time move on to the next row and so on.

This is not the only model, there are also zippers, for wrapping around the body ... click on the link and find the right one for you.

I chose this model to show you because you often ask me which corset I use for rectal diastase, so here it is. :)

It has steel wires that help the corset to stand straight and not twist, but also to tighten better.

This, shapers are also used for medical purposes.

Here is another model. This type is very practical because you can wear it as leggings, without special training, where you lose weight with regular daily activities.

What a wonderful idea!

In the end, I suggest you use FeelingirlDress Black Friday and find something useful for yourself, or as a gift for someone, the holidays are coming.

Have you tried any of these products?



Популарни постови са овог блога

Balea čudesni aparatić

    Nije tajna da i žene imaju malje na licu,neke manje neke više,ali dlačice su tu i mi ih ne volimo. Iako one nisu tu bez razloga i njihova funkcija je prevashodno zaštitna (štite kožu od spoljašnjih loših uticaja) nekada hormoni ne funkcionišu kako treba pa ove nežne,fine,skoro nevidljive dlačice počnu da budu primetnije. Kao izrazito svetla dugo sam odolevala,ali su pre par godina i moji hormoni rešili da naprave žurku i eto meni brčića pa i brade.Sa bradom sam izlazila nekako na kraj,ali brčići. Pinceta nije dolazila u obzir,tračice bi mi pokidale i malo kože,a opet ne sve dlačice,dep.kremi treba 3 sata da deluje,a onda mi se ospe koža... i sve tako dok se nije pojavio ovaj Balea čudesni aparatić. Odmah sam potrčala da ga kupim. :D  Kod mene je uvek iskreno (što se i vidi po postu) tako da nisam krila oduševljenje ni na instagramu kada sam aparatić kupila i tu su me zatekli,da ne kažem šokirali neki komentari.

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